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I care about creating real value through my work and not just because of my job description. I am curious about the world and love to learn new things.

Designers have the opportunity and responsibility to shape the lives of people and the environment at their best. I am passionate about many areas of design, including interaction, experience, concept and visual design. I like to think outside the box, experiment with new way of interactions and work on projects, that have meaningful effects on people and environment. I had the chance to work with a wide variety of people from all over the world in interdisciplinary teams. This was an inspiring experience, that provided me with a variety of views about the world and the role that design plays in it.

My name is Lena Heinrich. I am a B.A. Industrial Designer and M.S. Digital Designer, based in Berlin and specialised in User Experience.

Leave me a message via lenaheinrich.design@gmail.com or linkedin.

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